Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exam Study Tips for your Brain

What muscle do you need to exercise the most to ace that exam ? Your brain. Think about how to maximize the potential of your brain this week.

Think about water. Your brain is about 75% water. If you want it to work with you instead of against you remember to drink water. Exercise and water will put that brain to work with the necessary chemicals to stimulate focus and memory.

Tea and coffee reduce the amount of water in your body because they increase your trips to the bathroom. Cold or warm, a nice tall glass of water is the best ingredient to study success.

Your brain needs help to stay focused and to learn new things. Experts agree that giving yourself time for breaks is important to stay on task.

Study 15 minutes - reading, summarizing notes
Break 5 min
Study 15 minutes
- reading, answering questions from the study guide
Break 5 minutes

Give your brain time to absorb ideas and try new ways to boost your memory like SQ4R
This is a classic time tested method used by thousands of students successfully. Give it a try !

Survey - go over the chapter and look through the titles, subtitles and pictures.
Question - take each subtitle and turn it into a question.
Read - actively look for the answer to the question you made of the subtitle
Respond - once you've read a section close the book and describe it with your own words use your own words.
Record - take notes or highlight the text
Review - review your course notes, course books, regularly.

Find this SQ4R tip sheet online at The Guelph Learning Commons.