Thursday, April 7, 2011

Study, Study, Study - It's Exam Time

Be Prepared - Set Goals:

Know where you are at in the course. What marks do you have so far ? How much is the exam worth? This helps to set the amount of time you need to spend on the exam to reach your goal in the course and in your program.

Review Material

1. Edit class notes
2.Put class notes together with course readings on each topic.
3. Summarize important concepts and information in your own words.

What You Don't Understand Is What You Need to Know

Use flash cards or create a concept map (look it up on wikipedia) to find your weakest areas of knowledge. Make a list of the concepts you need to know. Use your instructor, Peer Helpers and your classmates to help you find answers.

Make A Study Plan

Use short periods of time to study and give yourself a break (10 minutes per hour). Eating and exercise prime your brain for learning. Short active breaks and small frequent snacks will keep you focused. Prioritize your exams and the material you want to learn.

Use the 3Rs - Read, Write, Recite

If you read the material out loud you can improve the amount you remember. Re-organize and write out the information you need to know. Teach the material to someone else. This is one of the best ways to learn it yourself. At home or in a study group you can discuss or debate course topics.

For more information on study tips and exam practice see the Guelph First website.