Thursday, September 15, 2011

Write and Cite Your Sources Using APA

Writing assignments can be time consuming. Get a head start on papers due later in the semester by keeping track of good information sources. If you include a quote in a paper you need to make a reference to the author. There are many styles of writing references and citations but on our campus you only need to learn one: APA Style. You can find lots of information about this style from the American Psychological Association online, but we have some tips for you to get started.

Make a reference to an author

Use the author's last name followed by the date of publication

One author Wind power can be an efficient and low cost source of alternative energy (Jones, 2003).
Two authors Solar power is a growing energy sector in Ontario (Jones & Brown, 2010).

Quote an author

Quotes should include the author's last name, year of publication and the page number.

According to Green (2009), "People are happy when it is sunny outside" (p.102).